Pecking Order

Oh my beloveds! As I chat with you, my chickens are wandering around my living room. If you’ve been following mittonmusings for any length of time, you’ll know: it’s a dream finally fulfilled! The hubby and kids already think I am turning into the crazy chicken lady… alas, I fear it is true! I ordered wallpaper and toys for the coop. My instagram is loaded with tips and tricks. I have been monitoring growth charts and stages of development. They have grown into full-feathered ladies now and really need to move outside to the coop… only it’s not quite ready yet! Almost, but not quite! So, as any good mom, as any good new chicken mom, I indulge in their baby needs a little longer. I’m allowed – it’s my dream – don’t judge!

The Ladies … each with their own personality!

Seriously though, the chickens have been so fun to watch. They definitely have distinct personalities: Mort is my weakest link, and Mavis is the boss lady. The rest fall into line in perfect chicken “pecking order”. I can see where the term comes from. In six short weeks, my little flock has fallen into their own rituals and routines as they follow each other around — exploring — but at their own pace and personality. I hope to be at the top of the food chain (after all, I have the treats!) but we’ll see how it all pans out once they are out on their own! I may be chasing crazy hens all over the yard soon.

I suppose my little flock is like any other herd or family. Kids, chickens, mother-in-laws, we’re all the same. Cows, offices and schools – same deal. Principals, roosters and work wife… we all play our roles and fall into place as we grow together. That’s just life, isn’t it? Sibling rivalry is part of growing up, right? I’m guessing it is. And the muse this week? What about the followers of Jesus? Did the twelve have their own pecking order? How did all the early Christians get along?

I’m guessing that thousands of years haven’t even put a dent in human nature. Jesus’s disciples had their own pecking order as well. Peter, the Rock. John, the beloved. Biological brothers and lifelong friends. Women. Certainly there was a motley crew of followers, each touched by a savior, but with their own unique personalities and backgrounds. Not unlike our churches of today, eh?

How did this motley crew ever get along? Photo Credit: The Chosen

Yet, our human nature was tested by a new set of rules. Jesus’ agenda didn’t fit the rules of pecking orders. He demonstrated this so clearly when the boys questioned who would be at His right and left hand in Heaven. They didn’t get it. It’s not about who is right or left… it’s who will be willing to serve. The last shall be first. The pecking order is reversed. The weakest hen must be the leader.

Of course, nature is so designed that survival of the fittest keeps everyone safe. My chickens must rely on alarm calls from a leader. And I suppose, leaders must do their God given gift of leadership, too, but our attitude about it must be kept in check. We must learn to be humble and tactful. We must learn to lead in love… for the protection of the flock, not for our own selfish gains. Sometimes, it’s only through God and lots of prayer that we can be part of a “coop” where we don’t gel with those around us. We learn to love the unlovable.

So, as much as I am enjoying watching “my ladies” grow and mature, and laugh at their silly antics, I must look beyond the pecking order and appreciate each one for their own personalities. Not only in the coop, but in my own circle of influence as well. Join me as we grow together here on #itsnottafarm! Crazy chicken lady, here, at your service!

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